Designing Websites with Themes

An ASP.NET Theme enables you to apply a consistent style to the pages in your website. You can use a Theme to control the appearance of both the HTML elements and ASP.NET controls that appear in a page. Themes are different than Master Pages. A Master Page enables you to share content across multiple pages in a website. A Theme, on the other hand, enables you to control the appearance of the content.

In this chapter, you learn how to create and apply ASP.NET Themes. First, you learn how to create Skins. A Skin enables you to modify the properties of an ASP.NET control that have an effect on its appearance. You learn how to create both Default and Named Skins.

Next, you learn how to format both HTML elements and ASP.NET controls by adding Cascading Style Sheets to a Theme. Cascading Style Sheets enable you to control the appearance and layout of pages in a website in a standardscompliant manner.

You also learn how you can create Global Themes, which can be used by multiple applications located on the same server. You learn how to use Global Themes with both File System and HTTP-based websites. Finally, you learn how to load Themes and Skins dynamically at runtime. You build a page that each user of a website can customize by skinning.

Creating Themes
You create a Theme by adding a new folder to a special folder in your application named App_Themes. Each folder that you add to the App_Themes folder represents a different Theme. If the App_Themes folder doesn’t exist in your application, then you can create it. It must be located in the root of your application.
When using Visual Web Developer, you can create a new Theme folder by right-clicking the name of your project in the Solution Explorer window and selecting Add Folder, Theme Folder.
A Theme folder can contain a variety of different types of files, including images and text files. You also can organize the contents of a Theme folder by adding multiple subfolders to a Theme folder.

The most important types of files in a Theme folder are the following:
Skin files
Cascading Style Sheet files
In the following sections, you learn how to add both Skin files and Cascading Style Sheet
files to a Theme.
Be careful about how you name your Theme (the folder name). The contents of a Theme folder are automatically compiled in the background into a new class. So you want to be careful not to name a Theme with a class name that conflicts with an existing class name in your project.

Adding Skins to Themes
A Theme can contain one or more Skin files. A Skin enables you to modify any of the properties of an ASP.NET control that have an effect on its appearance. For example, imagine that you decide that you want every TextBox control in your web application to appear with a yellow background color and a dotted border. If you add the file in Listing 6.1 to the Simple Theme (the App_Themes\Simple folder), then you can modify the appearance of all TextBox controls in all pages that use the Simple Theme.

Notice that the Skin file in Listing 6.1 is named You can name a Skin file anything you want. I recommend following a naming convention in which you name the Skin file after the name of the control that the Skin modifies.

A Theme folder can contain a single Skin file that contains Skins for hundreds of controls. Alternatively, a Theme can contain hundreds of Skin files, each of which contains a single Skin. It doesn’t matter how you organize your Skins into files because everything in a Theme folder eventually gets compiled into one Theme class.

The Skin file in Listing 6.1 contains a declaration of a TextBox control. Notice that the TextBox control includes a BackColor property that is set to the value Yellow and a BorderStyle property that is set to the value Dotted. You should notice that the TextBox control includes a Runat=”Server” attribute, but it does not include an ID attribute. You must always include a Runat attribute, but you can never include the ID attribute when declaring a control in a Skin.
You can’t create a Skin that applies to the properties of a User control. However, you can Skin the controls contained inside a User control. The Skin is applied to every page to which the Simple Theme is applied. For example, the page in Listing 6.2 uses the Simple Theme.

Notice that the page in Listing 6.2 includes a Theme attribute in its <%@ Page %> directive. This attribute causes the Simple Theme to be applied to the page. When you open the page in Listing 6.2, the Label control appears with a yellow background color and dotted border. This is the background color and border specified by the Theme (see Figure 6.1).

Only certain control properties are “themeable.” In other words, you can create a Skin file that modifies only certain properties of a control. In general, you can use a Skin to modify properties that have an effect on a control’s appearance but not its behavior. For example, you can modify the BackColor property of a TextBox control but not its AutoPostBack property.

Themes Versus StyleSheetThemes
When you apply a Theme to a page, the Skins in the Theme override any existing properties of the controls in the page. In other words, properties in a Skin override properties in a page. For example, imagine that you create the Skin in Listing 6.5.

The page in Listing 6.6 includes a Label that has a BackColor property which is set to the value Red. However, when you open the page, the BackColor declared in the Skin overrides the BackColor declared in the page and the Label is displayed with an orange background.

The default behavior of Themes makes it very easy to modify the design of an existing website. You can override any existing control properties that have an effect on the appearance of the control.

However, there are situations in which you might want to override Skin properties. For example, you might want to display every Label in your website with an orange background color except for one Label. In that case, it would be nice if there was a way to override the Skin property. You can override Skin properties by applying a Theme to a page with the StyleSheetTheme attribute instead of the Theme attribute. For example, the page in Listing 6.7 uses the StyleSheetTheme attribute to apply the Simple3 Theme to the page.

Notice that the <%@Page %> directive in Listing 6.7 includes a StyleSheetTheme attribute. When you open the page in Listing 6.7 in a web browser, the Label is displayed with a red background color instead of the orange background color specified by the Theme.

Registering Themes in the Web Configuration File
Rather than add the Theme or StyleSheetTheme attribute to each and every page to which you want to apply a Theme, you can register a Theme for all pages in your application in the web configuration file. The Web.Config file in Listing 6.10 applies the Site Theme to every page in an application.

Rather than use the theme attribute, you can use the styleSheetTheme attribute to apply a Theme to the pages in an application. If you use the styleSheetTheme attribute, you can override particular Skin properties in a page. The web configuration file in Listing 6.11 includes the styleSheetTheme attribute.

After you enable a Theme for an application, you can disable the Theme for a particular page by using the EnableTheming attribute with the <%@ Page %> directive. For example, the page in Listing 6.12 disables any Themes configured in the web configuration file.

Adding Cascading Style Sheets to Themes
As an alternative to Skins, you can use a Cascading Style Sheet file to control the appearance of both the HTML elements and ASP.NET controls contained in a page. If you add a Cascading Style Sheet file to a Theme folder, then the Cascading Style Sheet is automatically applied to every page to which the Theme is applied. For example, the Cascading Style Sheet in Listing 6.13 contains style rules that are applied to several different HTML elements in a page.

If you add the SimpleStyle.css file to a Theme named StyleTheme (a folder named StyleTheme in the App_Themes folder), then the Cascading Style Sheet is applied automatically to the page in Listing 6.14.

The Cascading Style Sheet is used to style several HTML elements in Listing 6.14 (see Figure 6.4). For example, the Style Sheet sets the background color of the page to the value Gray. It also centers the <div> tag containing the page content.

Because an ASP.NET control renders HTML, the Style Sheet also styles the HTML rendered by the ASP.NET Label, TextBox, and Button controls. An ASP.NET Label control renders an HTML <label> tag and the Style Sheet formats all <label> tags in bold. Both a TextBox control and a Button control render HTML <input> tags. The Style Sheet modifies the border and background color of the <input> tag.

Notice that the Button control includes a CssClass attribute. By providing a control with a CssClass attribute, you can target a particular control (or set of controls) in a Cascading Style Sheet. In this case, the background color of the <input> tag rendered by the Button control is set to the value #eeeeee (light gray).

I recommend that you do all your web page design by using the method discussed in this section. You should place all your page design in an external Cascading Style Sheet located in a Theme folder. In particular, you should not modify the appearance of a control by modifying its properties. Furthermore, you should avoid using Skin files.

The advantage of using Cascading Style Sheets is that they result in leaner and faster loading pages. The more content that you can place in an external Style Sheet, the less content must be loaded each time you make a page request. The contents of an external Style Sheet can be loaded and cached by a browser and applied to all pages in a web application.

If, on the other hand, you modify the appearance of a control by modifying its properties, then additional content must be rendered to the browser each time you make a page request. For example, if you modify a Label control’s BackColor property, then an additional Style attribute is rendered when the Label control is rendered. Using Skins is no different than setting control properties. Skins also result in bloated pages. For example, if you create a Skin for a Label control, then the properties of the Label Skin must be merged with each Label control on each page before the Label is rendered.

Applying Themes Dynamically
You might want to enable each user of your website to customize the appearance of your website by selecting different Themes. Some website users might prefer a green Theme and
other website users might prefer a pink Theme. You can dynamically apply a Theme to a page by handling the Page PreInit event. This event is the first event that is raised when you request a page. You cannot apply a Theme dynamically in a later event such as the Page Load or PreRender events. For example, the page in Listing 6.18 applies either the green Theme or the pink Theme to the page depending on which link you click in the page body (see Figure 6.8).

A particular Theme is applied to the page with the help of the Theme property. You can assign the name of any Theme (Theme folder) to this property in the Page PreInit event, and the Theme will be applied to the page.

Notice that the selected Theme is stored in the Profile object. When you store information in the Profile object, the information is preserved across multiple visits to the website. So, if a user selects a favorite Theme once, the Theme is applied every time the user returns to the website in the future.

The Profile is defined in the web configuration file in Listing 6.19.

Because the control tree has not been created when the PreInit event is raised, you can’t refer to any controls in a page. Notice that hyperlinks are used in Listing 6.18 to select a Theme. You could not use a DropDownList control because the DropDownList control would not have been created.

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