Using the Validation Controls

In this chapter, you learn how to validate form fields when a form is submitted to the web server. You can use the validation controls to prevent users from submitting the wrong type of data into a database table. For example, you can use validation controls to prevent a user from submitting the value “Apple” for a birth date field.

In the first part of this chapter, you are provided with an overview of the standard validation controls included in the ASP.NET 3.5 Framework. You learn how to control how validation errors are displayed, how to highlight validation error messages, and how to use validation groups. You are provided with sample code for using each of the standard validation controls.

Next, we extend the basic validation controls with our own custom validation controls. For example, you learn how to create an AjaxValidator control that enables you to call a server-side validation function from the client.

Overview of the Validation Controls
Six validation controls are included in the ASP.NET 3.5 Framework:

RequiredFieldValidator—Enables you to require a user to enter a value in a form field.
RangeValidator—Enables you to check whether a value falls between a certain minimum and maximum value.
CompareValidator—Enables you to compare a value against another value or perform a data type check.
RegularExpressionValidator—Enables you to compare a value against a regular expression.
CustomValidator—Enables you to perform custom validation.
ValidationSummary—Enables you to display a summary of all validation errors in a page.

You can associate the validation controls with any of the form controls included in the ASP.NET Framework. For example, if you want to require a user to enter a value into a TextBox control, then you can associate a RequiredFieldValidator control with the TextBox control.

Validation Controls and JavaScript
By default, the validation controls perform validation on both the client (the browser) and the server. The validation controls use client-side JavaScript. This is great from a user experience perspective because you get immediate feedback whenever you enter an invalid value into a form field.
The RequiredFieldValidator will not perform client-side validation until after you attempt to submit a form at least once or you enter and remove data in a form field. Client-side JavaScript is supported on any uplevel browser. Supported browsers include Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera. This is a change from the previous version of ASP.NET, which supported only Internet Explorer as an uplevel browser.

You can use the validation controls with browsers that do not support JavaScript (or do not have JavaScript enabled). If a browser does not support JavaScript, the form must be posted back to the server before a validation error message is displayed. Even when validation happens on the client, validation is still performed on the server. This is done for security reasons. If someone creates a fake form and submits the form data to your web server, the person still won’t be able to submit invalid data.
If you prefer, you can disable client-side validation for any of the validation controls by assigning the value False to the validation control’s EnableClientScript property.

Using Page.IsValid
As mentioned earlier, you should always check the Page.IsValid property when working with data submitted with a form that contains validation controls. Each of the validation controls includes an IsValid property that returns the value True when there is not a validation error. The Page.IsValid property returns the value True when the IsValid property for all of the validation controls in a page returns the value True.

It is easy to forget to check the Page.IsValid property. When you use an uplevel browser that supports JavaScript with the validation controls, you are prevented from submitting a form back to the server when there are validation errors. However, if someone requests a page using a browser that does not support JavaScript, the page is submitted back to the server even when there are validation errors.

Setting the Display Property
All the validation controls include a Display property that determines how the validation error message is rendered. This property accepts any of the following three possible values:


By default, the Display property has the value Static. When the Display property has this value, the validation error message rendered by the validation control looks like this:

<span id=”reqProductName” style=”color:Red;visibility:hidden;”>(Required)</span>

Notice that the error message is rendered in a <span> tag that includes a Cascading Style Sheet style attribute that sets the visibility of the <span> tag to hidden. If, on the other hand, you set the Display property to the value Dynamic, the error message is rendered like this:

<span id=”reqProductName” style=”color:Red;display:none;”>(Required)</span>

In this case, a Cascading Style Sheet display attribute hides the contents of the <span> tag. Both the visibility and display attributes can be used to hide text in a browser. However, text hidden with the visibility attribute still occupies screen real estate. Text hidden with the display attribute, on the other hand, does not occupy screen real estate.

In general, you should set a validation control’s Display property to the value Dynamic. That way, if other content is displayed next to the validation control, the content is not pushed to the right. All modern browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera) support the Cascading Style Sheet display attribute.

The third possible value of the Display property is None. If you prefer, you can prevent the individual validation controls from displaying an error message and display the error messages with a ValidationSummary control. You learn how to use the ValidationSummary control later in this chapter.

Highlighting Validation Errors
When a validation control displays a validation error, the control displays the value of its Text property. Normally, you assign a simple text string, such as ”(Required)” to the Text property. However, the Text property accepts any HTML string.

Another way that you can emphasize errors is to take advantage of the SetFocusOnError property that is supported by all the validation controls. When this property has the value True, the form focus is automatically shifted to the control associated with the validation control when there is a validation error.

The Page.Validators property is used in the Page_PreRender() handler. The IsValid property is checked for each control in the Page.Validators collection. If IsValid returns False, then the control being validated by the validation control is highlighted with a yellow background color.

Using Validation Groups
In the first version of the ASP.NET Framework, there was no easy way to add two forms to the same page. If you added more than one form to a page, and both forms contained validation controls, then the validation controls in both forms were evaluated regardless of which form you submitted.

For example, imagine that you wanted to create a page that contained both a login and registration form. The login form appeared in the left column and the registration form appeared in the right column. If both forms included validation controls, then submitting the login form caused any validation controls contained in the registration form to
be evaluated.

After the ASP.NET 2.0 Framework, you no longer face this limitation. The ASP.NET 2.0 Framework introduces the idea of validation groups. A validation group enables you to group related form fields together.

The validation controls and the button controls all include ValidationGroup properties. The controls associated with the login form all have the value ”LoginGroup” assigned to their ValidationGroup properties. The controls associated with the register form all have the value ”RegisterGroup” assigned to their ValidationGroup properties. Because the form fields are grouped into different validation groups, you can submit the two forms independently. You can assign any string to the ValidationGroup property. The only purpose of the string is to associate different controls in a form together into different groups.

Disabling Validation
All the button controls—the Button, LinkButton, and ImageButton control—include a CausesValidation property. If you assign the value False to this property, then clicking the button bypasses any validation in the page. Bypassing validation is useful when creating a Cancel button.

Using the RequiredFieldValidator Control
The RequiredFieldValidator control enables you to require a user to enter a value into a form field before submitting the form. You must set two important properties when using the RequiredFieldValdiator control:

ControlToValidate—The ID of the form field being validated.
Text—The error message displayed when validation fails.

By default, the RequiredFieldValidator checks for a nonempty string (spaces don’t count). If you enter anything into the form field associated with the RequiredFieldValidator, then the RequiredFieldValidator does not display its validation error message.

You can use the RequiredFieldValidator control’s InitialValue property to specify a default value other than an empty string.

The first list item displayed by the DropDownList control displays the text ”Select Color”. If you submit the form without selecting a color from the DropDownList control, then a validation error message is displayed.

Notice that the RequiredFieldValidator control includes an InitialValue property. The value of the first list from the DropDownList control is assigned to this property.

Using the RangeValidator Control
The RangeValidator control enables you to check whether the value of a form field falls between a certain minimum and maximum value. You must set five properties when using this control:

ControlToValidate—The ID of the form field being validated.
Text—The error message displayed when validation fails.
MinimumValue—The minimum value of the validation range.
MaximumValue—The maximum value of the validation range.
Type—The type of comparison to perform. Possible values are String, Integer, Double, Date, and Currency.

The validation message is also displayed if you enter a value that is not a number. If the value entered into the form field cannot be converted into the data type represented by the RangeValidator control’s Type property, then the
error message is displayed. If you don’t enter any value into the age field and submit the form, no error message is displayed. If you want to require a user to enter a value, you must associate a RequiredFieldValidator with the form field.

Don’t forget to set the Type property when using the RangeValidator control. By default, the Type property has the value String, and the RangeValidator performs a string comparison to determine whether a values falls between the minimum and maximum value.

Using the CompareValidator Control
The CompareValidator control enables you to perform three different types of validation tasks. You can use the CompareValidator to perform a data type check. In other words, you can use the control to determine whether a user has entered the proper type of value into a form field, such as a date in a birth date field.

You also can use the CompareValidator to compare the value entered into a form field against a fixed value. For example, if you are building an auction website, you can use the CompareValidator to check whether a new minimum bid is greater than the previous minimum bid.

Finally, you can use the CompareValidator to compare the value of one form field against another. For example, you use the CompareValidator to check whether the value entered into the meeting start date is less than the value entered into the meeting end date.

The CompareValidator has six important properties:
ControlToValidate—The ID of the form field being validated.
Text—The error message displayed when validation fails.
Type—The type of value being compared. Possible values are String, Integer, Double, Date, and Currency.
Operator—The type of comparison to perform. Possible values are DataTypeCheck, Equal, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual, LessThan, LessThanEqual, and NotEqual.
ValueToCompare—The fixed value against which to compare.
ControlToCompare—The ID of a control against which to compare.

Just like the RangeValidator, the CompareValidator does not display an error if you don’t enter a value into the form field being validated. If you want to require that a user enter a value, then you must associate a RequiredFieldValidator control with the field.

Using the RegularExpressionValidator Control
The RegularExpressionValidator control enables you to compare the value of a form field against a regular expression. You can use a regular expression to represent string patterns such as email addresses, Social Security numbers, phone numbers, dates, currency amounts, and product codes.

The regular expression is assigned to the RegularExpressionValidator control’s ValidationExpression property. It looks like this:


Regular expressions are not fun to read. This pattern matches a simple email address. The
\w expression represents any non-whitespace character. Therefore, roughly, this regular expression matches an email address that contains non-whitespace characters, followed by an @ sign, followed by non-whitespace characters, followed by a period, followed by more non-whitespace characters.

Just like the other validation controls, the RegularExpressionValidator doesn’t validate a form field unless the form field contains a value. To make a form field required, you must associate a RequiredFieldValidator control with the form field.

Using the CustomValidator Control
If none of the other validation controls perform the type of validation that you need, you can always use the CustomValidator control. You can associate a custom validation function with the CustomValidator control.

The CustomValidator control has three important properties:
ControlToValidate—The ID of the form field being validated.
Text—The error message displayed when validation fails.
ClientValidationFunction—The name of a client-side function used to perform client-side validation.

The CustomValidator also supports one event:
ServerValidate—This event is raised when the CustomValidator performs validation.

You associate your custom validation function with the CustomValidator control by
handling the ServerValidate event.

Using the ValidationSummary Control
The ValidationSummary control enables you to display a list of all the validation errors in a page in one location. This control is particularly useful when working with large forms. If a user enters the wrong value for a form field located toward the end of the page, then the user might never see the error message. If you use the ValidationSummary control, however, you can always display a list of errors at the top of the form.

You might have noticed that each of the validation controls includes an ErrorMessage property. We have not been using the ErrorMessage property to represent the validation error message. Instead, we have used the Text property.

The distinction between the ErrorMessage and Text property is that any message that you assign to the ErrorMessage property appears in the ValidationSummary control, and any message that you assign to the Text property appears in the body of the page. Normally, you want to keep the error message for the Text property short (for example, ”Required!”). The message assigned to the ErrorMessage property, on the other hand, should identify the form field that has the error (for example, ”First name is required!”).

The ValidationSummary control supports the following properties:
DisplayMode—Enables you to specify how the error messages are formatted. Possible values are BulletList, List, and SingleParagraph.
HeaderText—Enables you to display header text above the validation summary.
ShowMessageBox—Enables you to display a popup alert box.
ShowSummary—Enables you to hide the validation summary in the page.

If you set the ShowMessageBox property to the value True and the ShowSummary property to the value False, then you can display the validation summary only within a popup alert box.

Creating Custom Validation Controls
In this final section, you learn how to create custom validation controls. We create two custom controls. We create an AjaxValidator control. The AjaxValidator control performs validation on the client by passing information back to a custom function defined on the server.

You create a new validation control by deriving a new control from the BaseValidator class. As its name implies, the BaseValidator class is the base class for all the validation controls, including the RequiredFieldValidator and RegularExpressionValidator controls. The BaseValidator class is a MustInherit (abstract) class, which requires you to implement a single method:

EvaluateIsValid—Returns true when the form field being validated is valid.

The BaseValidator class also includes several other methods that you can override or otherwise use. The most useful of these methods is the following:
GetControlValidationValue—Enables you to retrieve the value of the control being validated.

When you create a custom validation control, you override the EvaluateIsValid() method and, within the EvaluateIsValid() method, you call GetControlValidationValue to get the value of the form field being validated.

Creating an AjaxValidator Control
In this section, we are going to create an extremely useful control named the AjaxValidator control. Like the CustomValidator control, the AjaxValidator control enables you to create a custom server-side validation function. Unlike the CustomValidator control, however, the AjaxValidator control enables you to call the custom validation function from the browser.

The AjaxValidator control uses AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to call the server-side validation function from the client. The advantage of using AJAX is that no postback to the server is apparent to the user.

For example, imagine that you are creating a website registration form and you need to validate a User Name field. You want to make sure that the User Name entered does not already exist in the database. The AjaxValidator enables you to call a server-side validation function from the client to check whether the User Name is unique in the database.

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